Yesterday, I made the error of prematurely wishing happy Mother’s Day to my Mother, 1 week in advance. In my estimation, I am not the first son to do so and certainly not the last. But when I gave it some thought, I realised that the error had arisen when consumer marketing had probably filled in the gap of tradition, and had misled me into a false belief as to what was happening, and when.
In life things can be OBE (“overtaken by events”) very easily and very quickly. Some life philosophies take the view that spending time planning for life is useless because you can’t predict the future, and that you should just roll through whatever life bounces your way. As a solicitor and paid pessimist, conditioned so through years of study and practice of law, I prescribe to the philosophy that planning is indispensable, and that planning, in addition to preparation, is what will get you through whatever life bounces your way. In the modern world however, we are often too busy living our life to attend to the latter, that we accept the former, that we should just accept life. This means that we don’t run the situations of life, but that the situations of life run us.
The one certain thing that we cannot plan and prepare for is, whether, today’s sunrise is the last that we will see, but what we can plan and prepare for is that if today should be our last sunrise, that those that we leave to manage our affairs will be able to be guided as to our wishes. Therefore, it is important that you should prepare a power of attorney, for guidance whilst you are alive, and a will, for guidance when you have passed, to guide those charged with the management of your affairs, in accordance with your wishes.
To get help in planning your affairs, and for preparing your Power of Attorney and your Will, contact DB Lawyers today.